Your Listing
Below you will find your listing/artist profile, if you have created one. You can update this at any time, although once the directory cut-off date has been reached, some fields may be hidden from editing. In order to update any of the information you should click on the Edit button and you will be able to edit the data and change or add images. Only when you have clicked on the ‘Continue’ button will you get a message to say that your listing has been updated.
Your listing will only be shown below if you are logged in and you created the listing using that logon. You can login using the link on the right (or below in mobile view).
Please login to manage your member listings.How to Update Your Details
Above this paragraph you will find your listing. if you don’t see it then you will need to log in. Click on the edit button and go through the 3 pages updating anything that you need to. If you can’t get to the next page then there is an error on one of the fields and this will be highlighted in red. There may be something missing that has been added since you last updated (e.g. new dates) so keep an eye out for that.
When you get to the images page, if you already have a full complement of images then you will need to delete some first (just hover over the image and you will see the delete button). Take note of maximum image sizes as the page will hang if you try to upload an image that is too big. However, you should be able to save what you have done so far and come back again.
Featured Artist Section on the Website
Don’t forget that we also have a ‘Featured Artists’ section on the home page of the new website. If you would like to be featured, please send an email with the title ‘Featured Artist’ attaching an image sized 795 x 530 pixels and some text about yourself (ideally 200 words plus, no maximum) and we will slot you in.
Please note that the image must be the size stated (landscape format) otherwise we can’t add your information. Any paid up member can have a slot on the featured artist section and it is good to rotate the images on there. If you need to resize any of your images you could use something like Photopea.
Add Event to the Calendar
As a member you are welcome to add your own events to the SOS calendar. You can do this in the admin panel. You can find some full instructions how to do this in this document: SOS Website – Add An Event.
Once you have added your event it will need to be approved by an editor before it is published, but we will do this as soon as possible.
Social Media
SOS Facebook and Instagram are the outward facing platforms that represent and promote Suffolk Open Studios and are managed by a volunteer SOS member. We aim to give even representation to over 120 members while maintaining a balance of quality and content for our members and the public.
Members who opt into SOS Social Media will have their work posted and credited on Instagram and Facebook in rotation, and on Facebook linked back to their SOS page.
Members who would like to have events mentioned on Facebook must enter them onto the SOS website events page AT LEAST a week in advance, events will only be gathered from this calendar.
SOS will ‘like’ your posts on Instagram and Facebook when seen, this is most likely when they are marked #suffolkopenstudios or @suffolkopenstudios.
Changing Your Password
If you wish to change your password you can do so by following this link.
This will take you to the admin panel and you should scroll down until you see the following:
Click on ‘Generate Password’ and you will be given a text box with a strong password in:
You can either use this password or you can overwrite it with a password of your choice. Please use a strong password. Weak passwords put the site at risk from hackers. Don’t use simple words and include numbers and special characters if you can.
Once you have changed your password you need to save the new one using the save button at the bottom of the page.
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